More Sebra work

SEBRA have been in touch again and have awakened the slumbering illustrator who got a bit caught up with Christmas and my new promotion! Yes I’m a full time Director’s assistant until early April. The days are full on indeed! I’ve vowed to be a little more strict with my illustrating so as not to fall behind. So, I’m glad SEBRA gave me a wake up call; the gap between their late autumn and early spring publications always catches me by surprise, but I have quite a lot of time. I’m gearing up to a couple of things getting bits sketched here and there.

Did you hear about the time Prince Andrew was arrested by the officers at Buckingham Palace for lurking around in the garden? Neither did I until SEBRA mentioned it. This MUST warrant a picture. There is no other way!

Prince Andrew sketch

Also… there be dragons!

Dragon sketch

~ by pencat on January 27, 2014.

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